Candidates Privacy Policy


A. CATEGORIES OF DATA: the subject of the processing may be your personal data (such as identification data, personal data, contact data, studies, professional experience, …) and any particular data present in the curriculum vitae or communicated by you during the selection process.

B. DATA CONTROLLER: The data controller is Siamatica Srl, Via Treviso, 55 – 31057 – Silea (TV), Italy, VAT number IT04839900265, can be contacted at the email:

C. SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: the personal and/or particular data in the possession of the Data Controller are collected directly from the data subject and only possibly may come from third parties (publicly available websites and/or social networks and/or from personnel selection agencies). The Data Controller may also come into possession of personal data of the data subject as a result of interviews with the previous employers of the data subject.

D. PURPOSES OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: the legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the execution of pre-contractual measures in the field of labour law (art. 6.1.B GDPR) and is carried out for the following purposes: carrying out the recruitment, analysis, evaluation and selection of personnel by employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller. The legal basis for any processing of special data, included in the CV or communicated by you during the interview, is the need to fulfil the obligations and exercise the specific rights of the Data Controller in the field of labour law (art. 9.2.B GDPR), as clarified in the Provision of the Guarantor no. 146/2019 “Provision containing the provisions relating to the processing of special categories of data”.

E. DATA RECIPIENTS: within the limits pertaining to the purposes, your data may be communicated, if necessary, to other subjects related to the processing activities, internal and external to the Data Controller, such as employees and similar entities, public and private bodies, collaborators, freelancers, law firms, labor consultants, technical partners. Your data will not be disseminated in any way.

F. TRANSFER OF DATA TO THIRD COUNTRIES: the data collected is not transferred to third countries outside the European Economic Area.

G. RETENTION PERIOD: the data collected will be stored for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed (“principle of storage limitation”, art.5, GDPR) or according to the deadlines provided for by law. The obsolescence of the data stored in relation to the purposes for which they were collected is checked periodically.

H. RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT: the interested party always has the right to request from the Data Controller access to his/her data, the correction or deletion of the same, the limitation of processing or the possibility to object to the processing and to request data portability. You may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

I. OBLIGATORY OR NON-OBLIGATORY PROVISION OF DATA: the provision of data for the purposes indicated above is mandatory for the purposes of evaluating your application, therefore, failure to provide the data will make it impossible for the organization to continue with the selection.

J. METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING: the personal data and any special data provided by you will be processed in compliance with the above-mentioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the Data Controller’s activity. The data will be processed both with IT tools and on paper supports and on any other type of suitable support (e.g. cloud systems, archiving systems and digital substitute storage, …), in compliance with adequate technical and organizational security measures provided for by the GDPR.